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Both really affecting and inspiring my day. Apr 24, Dee Octivina rated it liked it. Aku mendengarmu tanpa perlu alat. She combines each story on the book with a song that reflects the story. Dec 16, Ardini rated it it was amazing. D 3 Stars from me! Yang menggambarkan dua dunia yang penulis jalani. dewi lestari peluk aku

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Inilah cermin dari dua dunia Dewi Lestari yang ia ekspresikan dalam napas kreatifitas tunggal bertajuk "Rectoverso". I don't know what i must choose.


I fell in love with Supernova the 1st trilogyand thought it was such a blast, it might had been a breakthrough in the history of Indonesian lit. After the 1st trilogy, all other books are going downhill.

Lists with This Book. This is her most unique creation, as the first hybrid artwork of music and literature in Indonesia. Rectoverso was supported by 46 Indonesian musicians with two arrangers, Andi Rianto and Ricky Lionardi. She's a fluent storyteller, not even once falter in her step thus making all her stories in this book a lucid enjoyment to read. When I was thankful fewi he would grow a day older and see what a mess I could be. Yulita rated it really liked it Shelves: One or two of the stories and songs are written in English.

| Rectoverso

Aug 31, Angie Ester rated it really liked it. Let it be wherever, whenever, whatever it will be. It's like having the best tiramisu in a perfect afternoon. Both really affecting and inspiring my day. D 3 Stars from me!

Jan 08, Riva malida rated it it was amazing Shelves: Years after, Taja was heartbroken for the second time when he alu that Saras was about to marry his best friend, Irwan Tio Pakusadewo. Show More Show Less.

Back To Heaven's Light

Now, "Supernova", "Filosofi Kopi", where are you Rectoverso's a brilliant, touching, and genuine masterpiece of Dewi Lestari. Ah, I would try to translate it to English, but it would lose half its meaning. I quote the last sentences Preview — Rectoverso by Dee Lestari. A romance, for example, can be born from a composition of mentality, social orders, linkages, connections, ups-and-downs, or even false hopes.

Want to Read saving…. To me, Dee delivered the stories alluringly, nevertheless, some of them just cannot grab the root.

I command my self not to get weaker, but stronger. Every coin has two sides.

dewi lestari peluk aku

Back To Heaven's Light. Lengkapi penghayatan anda dan temukanlah sebuah pengalaman baru. A good collection of woven short stories, I must say.

dewi lestari peluk aku

Each story has its own soul. Her writing xewi are amazing, starts from the way she writes and the chosen words she put on her novels with such a unique concept.

Not as good as "Filosofi Kopi" but still distinctly clear, witty and just so Dee. Feb 02, aridewi rated it did not like it. Jan 11, Cecillia rated it liked it.

dewi lestari peluk aku

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